Event First Aid for Stadiums

Colmed Group has the resources, both financially and operationally, to ensure competent and timely delivery of Event First Aid for Stadiums throughout Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Plus regional areas of Geelong, Ballarat, Wollongong, Newcastle, Gosford and the Gold Coast.

Why Hire Colmed Event First Aid Personnel for Your Stadium?

Colmed Personnel will not merely be contractors, but ambassadors of your venue. This is achieved by instilling in our staff, the commitment to maintain your stadium as world-class, delivering quality and patron focused events for all patrons throughout Australia.

All Colmed Personnel are required undergo extensive induction and training, which includes customer service skills, reporting, communication and managing complaints.  Annual refresher training is provided, and all staff members are required to undertake continuing professional development (CPD).

Upon confirmation of employment and induction to Colbrow Medics, all staff must undergo National Police and Working with Children checks as well as minimum training and competency requirements are assessed and approved.  Qualifications of all Personnel are kept on file via Colmed’s online bookings system VT Events and in order to continue to be allocated to shifts; must be updated by Personnel when prompted by the system.  For example:

Operational Objectives – Event First Aid for Stadiums & Venues

All Event First Aid & Paramedic Personnel assigned to your venue are required to undertake a client specific induction which is inclusive of the following units:

1. Introduction

Brief outline of the purpose of the contract, times required and areas to be covered.  Includes Colmed’s requirements of security, safety and patron experience.

2. Aim of Medical Coverage

Timely and effective medical assistance to be rendered to reduce the impact of illness and/or injury to patrons (inclusive of venue staff and contractors).  Upholding high standard of customer service and patron experience.

3. Key Medic Performance Indicators

Professionalism, punctuality, uniform, timeliness, communication and documentation.

4. Uniform

Outline of uniform requirements, being representatives of your venue, all Personnel presentation must be of a high standard and strictly inline with the Colmed Uniform & Grooming Policy (COL 0228).

5. Operational Reporting Requirement

Outline of the documentation which must be completed and provided to the appropriate personnel at the start/end of each shift, inclusive of: Patient Care Records (PCR’s) and Shift Report and immediate notification of any safety or operational incidents to venue management.

6. Operating Procedures & Specific Requirements

Timeline of expectations and operational requirements throughout shift, ie: reporting for duty at least 10 minutes prior to shift commencement, roaming areas as requested and documentation to be promptly provided to Colmed Medics office at shift cessation.  Workflows tailored by Colmed Group in collaboration with venue management to suit specific requirements. 

7. Communication

Outline of venue specific communication procedure.  Ensuring radio and/or mobile phone is switched on and operational as well as confidentially to be maintained at all times. 

8. Duty-Specific Instructions

Daily sign-on and sign-off instructions.  Remaining visible to patrons and venue staff, being ambassadors and advocating safety/risk assessment at all times.  Customer service: assist patrons with any enquiries, including but not limited to seat information, directions, assisting visually impaired patrons and assisting venue staff.

9. Equipment

Equipment to be provided by Colmed Group, including but not limited to: trauma first aid kits, portable oxygen therapy units, defibrillators, wheelchairs and carry sheets.  Equipment provided by the venue, inclusive of defibrillator(s) and radio.

10. Response Procedure

Outline of how Medics are called to an ill patron, timeframe with which to respond and ensuring proficient patient care.

11. Training Requirements

Outline of qualifications / certifications required to work at any specific location, including but not limited to: Advanced First Aid, current National Police, Working with Children Check, Provide Advanced Pain Relief and more.

Resources Allocated To Your Venue

All Colmed resources allocated to your stadium throughout the course of contract will remain permanently at the venue; allowing stadium staff, who are appropriately trained in First Aid, to render assistance when as required when a Colmed Medic is not on duty.

Our Insurance

Venues and stadiums can rest assured that Colmed Personnel are comprehensively insured and protected by our $20m Professional Indemnity (Medical Malpractice) Insurance as well as $50m Public Liability. Our Medics are paid professionals and not volunteers, they are also covered by state Workcover Policies.

Event First Aid for Stadiums

We look forward to the prospect of working with you, enabling the successful delivery of world class events.  We are confident that we will meet and exceed all expectations and requirements of the onsite event first aid and medical service.  We are available to attend any interviews as required and look forward to any further questions that you might have regarding our service.