
Defence Registered Paramedics & Colmed Group

Defence Registered Paramedics & Medical Support Colmed Group recognises the need for a solid management and operational structure. With a committed team of operational support staff, we will a managed healthcare service . . . read more

Sydney Trains Paramedics & Colbrow Medics

Announcing the Sydney Trains Paramedics Contract.. Colbrow Medics is please to announce that we will be covering Sydney Trains with suitably qualified and experienced Registered Paramedics to seven (7) stations throughout Sydney.  . . . read more

Occupational First Aid – Heart Attack!

Not just another day at the office… Heart Attack at Construction Site! Colbrow Medics provides Occupational First Aid Medics for onsite temperature checks to various clients including the construction company Fulton Hogan. . . . read more

Colbrow Medics: Urgent Medical Services

Colbrow Medics is responding to requests from Australian businesses for urgent medical services to compliment their business continuity and risk mitigation plans to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Our services have extended well . . . read more