Domestic Non Emergency Patient Transport & Medical Transport
Colmed Group delivers personalized non-emergency patient transport throughout Melbourne, across Victoria, including regional areas of Geelong, Ballarat, Shepparton, Bendigo, Horsham as well as Interstate.
Colmed Groups’ Ambulance Attendants and Patient Transport Officers are nationally accredited, providing continuing care to patients during their journey in our comprehensively equipped ambulances with timely efficient stretcher ambulances or car transport for family home visits to and from just about any location or destination.
Patient Transport services also includes qualified medical escorts for air travel for both interstate and overseas.
Colmed Group delivers best practice patient care in Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT) in line with government contracts and regulations ensuring clients receive the best possible service.
Low, Medium and High Acuity NEPT licensing allows Colmed Group to provide you with professional stretcher and car transports for admissions, discharges, medical appointments and inter-facility transfers to and from public and private hospitals, private health care facilities, rehabilitation centres, allied health services and nursing homes. We also transport TAC and WorkCover and private insurance claimants. Vehicles are fully equipped Mercedes Benz ambulances. Staff are trained and equipped to handle general management of varying conditions as well as rapid response management to any adverse event.
Workplace Infectious Patient Transport (WIPT)
Colmed Group provides transport services for people who are suspected or confirmed as carrying an infectious disease. Our clinicians wear appropriate PPE such as masks and gowns and collect unwell employees, contractors, visitors or guests and drive them to their home or doctor before completing the required high level of cleaning of vehicle.
We support workplaces and venues to provide an alternative transport option for people who do not require an emergency ambulance but have no suitable transport options to travel from the workplace or venue to their home or doctor. The most common request for this service is for patients who may be carrying a highly infectious disease but would normally travel to and from work on public transport.
Taxis will often decline to transport sick people. Avoid having to ask one of your staff to drive an infectious person home. Public transport should be avoided by all people who are contagious.
Workplace Infectious Patient Transport (WIPT) includes:
- Provision of a Medic trained driver with appropriate PPE
- Vehicles cleaned and disinfected to government standards before and after each transport
- Services available on retainer, contract or ad-hoc requirements
- Provide a detailed travel itinerary including confirmation of all flights and transfers