Due to a large increase in enquiries from other organisations to donate their expired first aid supplies and stock to us; including the CFA, All Star Safety and various Local Councils, Colbrow Medics is currently seeking additional expressions of interest from suitable organisations or individuals for the donation of expired first aid stock and medical supplies. This may also include expired over-the-counter medications including paracetamol, aspirin and salbutamol, dependent on local laws and/or protocols.
In line with our values (www.firstaidevents.com/mission-and-vision), Colbrow Medics is environmentally conscious and would like to donate all expired stock to a worthy cause or organisation who can reuse or recycle, or could use for training in a developing country and/or other scenario.
Colbrow Medics stocks a wide range of first aid and medical supplies, including first aid kits, defibrillators, stretchers and wheelchairs. Due to a short shelf life of some products, despite our best efforts, we end up with expired stock which we can not use. Expired stock is placed in a medium-large sized cardboard box and is usually full every 6-12 months. Preferably, we are looking for an organisation who can collect from our head office in Clayton, Victoria when required however we would be willing to pay for shipping to a worthy organisation.
Expired First Aid Stock and Supplies, include:
Defibrillator (AED) Pads
Glucose Gel
Needles 18g-26g
Syringes (various sizes)
Saline (various sizes)
Dressing Packs
Hudson Masks
Various Wipes (Alcohol / Anti-Bacterial)
And more..
To EOI, please email: logistics@colbrowmedics.com with:
Organisation Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Outline of Proposed Use of Supplies:
EOI Close: Friday 30 November, 2018